Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sir Raven enters his chamber, closes the door. he sits upon his throne and looks into the dark night. He looks heaven ward, and he sees the stars in their heaven. He closes his eyes and speaks quietly to his Goddess.....

Goddess, please take this pain away
I humbly ask for your love and compassion
Please look after the maiden that has abandoned me

Goddess, I humbly ask for a maiden that will I can love, trust, and have her trust me enough to reveal to me her deepest feelings

Goddess, I humbly ask for a maiden that has a spine made out of stainless steel. Goddess, you know that I love completely, and gently. Goddess, please, take this sadness, and anguish away.

My most humblest of thanks, and if it be your will, please grant me my wish.

Blessed Be.

Sir Raven opens his eyes, rises from his throne, removes his tunic, goes over to his basin and cleanses himself... Then he goes over to his bed, lays down and allows the dream goddess to overcome him......

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