Monday, September 19, 2005

Healing the deep pain inside......

Sir Raven goes inside of his chamber, closes the door. He goes over to his bed, and lays down on his back. He lets out a loud cry. Then he rolls onto his stomach to sleep, but he can't because he's bewildered as to why his maiden has left him. He removes hid dagger from hid side, and puts it on the night stand. He sits up on the side of his bed, puts his head in his hands, and just holds it. Great anguish is churning inside, and he turns his head towards the dagger, and just looks at it, but reasons with himself, that there will be a better day, and someone that wishes to love him will come along.

He lies back down, on his back, and looks towards the ceiling trying to allow the tears to flow down his face. But they won't come easily. He removes his tunic, and reveals the scars of love, on his strong body. And he slips underneath of the covers, and just lays there, hoping that love will come swiftly, and will stay. Sir Raven rolls over onto his side, closes his eyes, sleep over comes him.........

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